Free Range—a mission-driven marketing agency responsible for early Web 2.0 viral hits like The Story of Stuff—needed to revamp its approach to content.
Lacking a clear direction for its own marketing efforts—and held back by a dead blog and out-of-date social media presence—the agency was struggling to generate inbound leads for creative work. Free Range needed a fresh content strategy that would target its most important prospects, and lots of intriguing new content to catch and hold their interest.
First, I analyzed Free Range’s past successes to figure out where we should focus our efforts. Because the agency had a long history of creating standout work for nonprofit clients, I decided to craft a content strategy geared towards CMOs in the nonprofit sector.
Then, after fleshing out a buyer persona and conducting a competitive analysis of other mission-driven marketing agencies, I developed an editorial calendar of blog posts and curated content chosen to appeal to our target audience’s needs and interests.
Finally, I put our new content strategy into action.
Over the course of a year, I:
Revitalized the agency blog by writing and publishing monthly posts aimed at our target audience
Brought Free Range’s LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook pages back to life by curating and sharing relevant content on a consistent schedule
Concepted, wrote, produced, recorded, and edited two seasons of The Free Ranger, the agency’s first-ever podcast
Free Range’s online presence is once again active—and inbound traffic is on the rise.
In the twelve months since the new content strategy launched:
Traffic to the Free Range website increased by 53%
The agency website’s session-to-contact rate doubled from 0.96% to 1.95%
Most importantly, Free Range is once again getting consistent inbound queries about the creative work for which it is best known.